Friday, December 28, 2012


I really hate this show because I am not into deaf culture. It infuriates me to watch it...BUT this is very realistic. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift!

I can't figure out how to embed this from my phone and since I have to wake up at 4, the link will have to suffice. :)

2 weeks

Yesterday was the 2 week mark. Just like my first surgery, it was pretty much magical: my energy returned. :) I didn't even have time to post because I was so busy! I am VERY thankful for that! Granted, I'm pretty tired today but I was on the go from 8:00 am until 11:30 pm yesterday!

Not having any hearing in my right ear is frustrating. I got used to good hearing in one ear and bad in the other...but bad is a lot better than none!:) Fortunately, it's temporary! Life feels like life pre-implant. It's exhausting to be around people. I have to lip-read and watch EVERYTHING again. I was used to being lazy I guess. :) I am soooo ready for activation!

Monday, December 17, 2012

It's definitely a Monday...

I'm not going to lie, today was rough.  I felt good last night so I took NyQuil instead of vicodin and woke up hurting. I was supposed to go to a local dr to have my incision checked so I couldn't take anything this morning. I got showered and ready to go...but the car wouldn't start! I called AAA and they towed the car but I got a horrible migraine somewhere in there. As soon as the tow truck driver left, I took a Vicodin and didn't move!  Fortunately, the pain dulled. When my mom got off work, she drove me to the doctor, who said the incision looks really good. It was WONDERFUL to get out of the house! I'm going stir crazy for sure!

I really can't believe how much worse this recovery has been. I'm very very thankful that the first one was easier. Forcing myself to go through this again would be tough haha! Come activation, all the pain will be worth it.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

2 days

This recovery has definitely been different than last time! I'm hurting A LOT more but in different places - HA! Last time, my neck was incredibly stiff and sore. This time, it's fine. I couldn't open my mouth for a good week last time but theres no jaw pain now. My throat doesn't hurt like last time either. Now, it's the ear and the implant site that hurt. And they really hurt. Fortunately, I've been able to take the pain meds with no nausea. So far, my neck isn't bruised but my ear is. It's strange how different each recovery has been!! Here are the obligatory pics...

Friday, December 14, 2012

Surgery update

My second Esteem surgery is over!:) It was quite an ordeal thanks to the incompetence of the billing office at the surgery center, but the implant is in and had great numbers when they tested it! I'm in a lot more pain this time, but my new friend Vicodin is helping. :)

The surgery was shorter this time, most likely because the sensor and driver (the parts that connect to the incus and stapes) are smaller than in my other ear. They did not have to cut my jaw muscle this time so I'm able to open my mouth. My throat isn't nearly as sore as last time either, which is very nice! The pain is mostly where the sound processor sits. It makes sense now that I've seen the pictures - the SCREWED a stabilizing bar into my skull! The bar and screws aren't there now but I definitely understand why the implant site hurts so bad! My blood pressure dropped during surgery and I got a fever. The nurse said it was just because they were trying to keep me so warm because of the blood pressure. Fortunately, I did not have a passing out episode this time. The post-op nurse (who is not exactly my favorite) told me drinking apple juice wouldn't help...but she gave it to me anyway and I stayed conscious in recovery :) The pre-op and OR nurses were wonderful! Of course, Dr. Shohet was amazing as always and I had the same anesthesiologist. I really like him! I did not get sick at all, which is a tremendous blessing!

We drove home this morning and I'm feeling pretty good. It is a lot more painful this time but it's manageable. I'm achy all over right now since I've been sitting still for too long. I have a numb spot on my lower lip but no other numbing or facial paralysis. It still seems surreal that both surgeries are over!

Dr. Shohet took pictures during surgery this time. Apparently the microscope has a camera on it. I hope I can remember what is happening in each picture!

After the facial recess. This shows the hollowed out space for the sound processor. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Why I'm Nervous

Surgery is about 36 hours away now and, while I am unbelievably thankful, I'm much more nervous this time. It doesn't make much sense since I've been through this before and really had an easy recovery. However, for everyone asking me why I'm nervous, here's the description of the surgery: