Tuesday, June 11, 2013


There isn't much to report, but my whistling ear is keeping me awake, so I figured I would update this. :) I've been having some problems with my new Esteem. It's nothing major but the implant whistles A LOT. It's been doing that for quite a while, but last week, I noticed it was getting worse. After a VERY stressful morning, the wonderful MaryKay at Dr. Shohet's office calmed me down and I plan to see the audiologist next month. I hope the issue is the super slow healing process. I know there's still fluid in the ear, which can push the ear drum against the wires and cause feedback. I hope it's just fluid and not scar tissue. If it is scar tissue, I would need a revision surgery. Obviously, surgery does not sound appealing, mostly because I would have to deal with the awful surgery center again. They are not pleasant folks! 

 The amazing thing is that, even with the difficulties I'm having and the possibility of another surgery, I cannot believe how blessed I am to experience this. Is it perfect? Obviously it is not, but it's incredible. A little (or a lot of) whistling inside my head is a very small price to pay for the ability to hear. Oddly enough, being awake at night because the whistling is worse when in lying down forces me to think about how miraculous this is. Who would have ever thought noise would keep me awake?!?!? I certainly never did. 

God is so good, y'all!