Sunday, April 7, 2013


Friday was my first "Esteem-iversary." I feel like a broken record, but I am still amazed by how much this device has improved my life. It doesn't seem possible that it's been a year. I'm still discovering new sounds and learning how to hear. I guess that will be a very long process!:)

Ironically, I've had the worst hearing week in a while this week! My right ear is just refusing to heal. The fluid that will not dissipate gets worse at certain times, usually when I'm sick. Orange blossoms are in full bloom here so my ear is pretty messed up! I feel like I'm under water. The worst part is that the Esteem whistles A LOT. It is freaky to hear whistling inside my head!!!:) I've found that it usually whistles most in the morning, after I've been laying down, so I'm sleeping on four pillows. :) I've been turning that ear down at night, too, which helps. Fortunately, I haven't been nauseated or dizzy too much. I can handle a little whistling if I'm not sick! And hey, at least I can hear the whistling!

Words can't express how grateful I am for this miracle. Our God is able to do so much more than we could ever imagine!!!!!!

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