Sunday, August 4, 2013


I've loved the song Healer for a long time. I absolutely believe that God is Jehovah Jireh - the God who heals. Experiencing that in my own life, though, brings a whole new meaning to the song. Today, I sang that in church AND played the guitar. Before my surgeries, I couldn't play the guitar. My guitar sat in my room for years. Now, thanks to my new ears and a great guitar teacher, I am able to stand up in church and proclaim that God IS my healer. He is so good!

I also noticed today that I can hear the pages in our worship binder turning. I suppose that means my right ear is FINALLY healing!:) Actually, I think flying several times over the last few weeks helped a lot. The feedback is greatly reduced and I can leave it on volume 2 at night now. For several weeks, I had to turn it to 0 at night. This healing has been a long time coming, but it's worth it! 

I'm finally going back for more hearing tests on Friday. I'm very nervous, as always. (Megan, if you're reading this, I MISS YOU!!!) The new audiologist is good, too, and very sweet. It's just always scary to see the actual numbers. I know my quality of life is dramatically improved but I want the numbers to show it, too. :). Fortunately, we have a super awesome day planned after the appointment, including a Willie Nelson concert. That's another thing that would not have been fun with hearing aids. Yes, God is good. If you think of it, please keep me in your prayers  on Friday. 

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